Reporting from (6/2), information on the new hardware is expected to be immersed in the iPad iPhone 3 and 5 has just been revealed. Hardware was named 'Macroscalar,' chip which is a refinement of the next Apple Apple chip A6.
Macroscalar processor technology aims to produce secondary instruction to improve processor performance and translate them into software. Basically, a 'Macroscalar' will produce high-quality power.
This means that the next iPad and iPhone are expected to be able to run super fast without loading process takes a very long time. Not only that, 'Marcroscalar' claims will not drain the battery and requires little power, while producing energy.
Is this going to be a weapon for the next Apple? Looks like we have mengunggu until March 3 when the iPad was introduced to the public. Source
Labels: Apple, gadget, Ipad iphone
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