Secret Weapons for the Apple iPad iPhone 3g and 5?

iPad 3 will be released in March, while the iPhone 5 is still a rumor. All was still waiting when the device from Apple is to be released. However, before that, no one suspected the secret weapon of this device is worth two in mind the potential users.
Reporting from (6/2), information on the new hardware is expected to be immersed in the iPad iPhone 3 and 5 has just been revealed. Hardware was named 'Macroscalar,' chip which is a refinement of the next Apple Apple chip A6.
Macroscalar processor technology aims to produce secondary instruction to improve processor performance and translate them into software. Basically, a 'Macroscalar' will produce high-quality power.
This means that the next iPad and iPhone are expected to be able to run super fast without loading process takes a very long time. Not only that, 'Marcroscalar' claims will not drain the battery and requires little power, while producing energy.
Is this going to be a weapon for the next Apple? Looks like we have mengunggu until March 3 when the iPad was introduced to the public. Source

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